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March 12, 2025, 12:20:17 AM

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2025-03-10, 13:19:52
Hanna Barbera Montana: Writer/artist Ed Berdej has passed: https://www.dailycartoonist.com/index.php/2025/03/10/ed-berdej-rip/

2025-03-08, 18:52:32
Hanna Barbera Montana: Oops, since I'm on my phone, I didn't see the thread below before it was too late.

2025-03-08, 18:46:32
Hanna Barbera Montana: Fernando Ruiz returns to pencil.

2025-03-08, 15:54:00
Oldiesmann: Apologies for the downtime. I was fixing something last night and forgot a closing parenthesis, which broke the code.

2025-03-07, 21:09:15
Oldiesmann: I didn't know Archie still published floppies

2025-03-04, 22:56:59
Tuxedo Mark: According to the May solicitations, ALL of Archie's floppies are now going to be $4.99, regardless of content or paper quality, even the Classic-style floppies with one new 5-page story: https://archiecomics.com/new-archie-comics-coming-in-may-2025/

2025-02-20, 15:44:55
Tuxedo Mark: Diamond owes Archie Comics over $12,000.

2025-02-18, 17:28:53
Hanna Barbera Montana: Archie is adding Lunar to it's list of publishers: https://icv2.com/articles/news/view/58855/archie-adds-lunar-distro

2025-02-06, 20:24:57
Tuxedo Mark: My review of "Gift Gambit!" from Archie Jumbo Comics Digest #356: https://riverdalereviewed.wordpress.com/2025/02/06/comics-gift-gambit/

What will happen to Archie comics now that Diamond comic distributors bankrupt

Started by terrence12, January 17, 2025, 02:36:28 AM

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As you all  heard, Diamond comic distributors has gone bankrupt because of their worse decision especially that some of the major comic book industries like DC and Marvel and major indie ones like image, Boom comics and Dark Horse have their own distribution systems and have left Diamond comic distributors like with Image comics recently.

While small to medium comic book companies rely on diamond comic distributors and Archie is one of them and with Diamond comic distributors bankrupt, this leads us to discuss in the current topic, what will happen to Archie comics now that diamond comic distributors is bankrupt?

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